Kiowa Beaded Bags

Kiowa Beaded Bags. Kiowa beadwork often displays geometric designs. There are many notable bead designers including Lois Smoky Kaulaity, Donna Jean Tsatoke, Alice Littleman, Nettie Standing, Marilyn Yeahquo, Edna Hokeah Pauahty, Leona Geimasaddle, Barry D. Belindo, Kathy Littlechief, Katherine Dickerson, Charlie Silverhorn, Paul McDaniels, Jr., Kiowa J. Taryole, Grace Tsontekoy, Richard Aitson, Judy Beaver, Vanessa Paukeigope Jennings, Leatrice Geimasaddle, Teri Greeves, and Tahnee Ahtoneharjo-Growingthunder. Reference: Wikipedia

Below are some examples and price guides to Kiowa beaded bags including a Kiowa beaded dispatch case and some strike-a-light bags.